Savannah+Matt | Couples | Dallas Engagement Photography
MMMMK. Where do I EVEN begin with these two love birds. I love their love. It's just precious. They adore each other (clearly), love Jesus and exude him. I've got antsies in my pantsies waiting for the arrival of their wedding day in October. We had a ball traipsing through the park in extra hot degree weather and glistening together as one big happy sweaty family. Savannah and Matt, thank you for all the laughs that were far too easy to get out of the two of you. Thanks (Matt especially) for being willing to tromp in tall grass where snakes sometimes hideout. Heather, thank you for doing a snake check and for being the worlds best assistant (you're tied with my hubby). Congratulations on being engaged and all the excitement that comes with that. May the journey be sweet as you prepare to enter into the coolest season of your lives. Cheers to marriage!