Pilgrim Song | Band Photography | Southern Oregon Portrait Photographer
Meet this amazing group of five talented musicians and artists from Southern Oregon. Collectively, they comprise the band that is Pilgrim Song. Their ensemble has an indie-rock sound, and more importantly, a heart to glorify God and make Him known in their music. Their sound is so amazing, but it’s their hearts that truly set them apart as authentic and honest. We set them against the backdrop of the gorgeous pacific northwest, to capture some fresh press shots for their group. I loved the way they came out, and hope you do, too!
"Pilgrim Song started two years ago as a project of simple songs and friends. Our goal has always been to bring people into the joy we experience through Christ by creating music that shares the gospel. Over the last two years, we believe God has brought us more permanently together for the proclamation of truth and the pursuit of excellence in the gifts he has given us. We definitely have folk roots, but each band member brings a style that heavily influences our songs, from indie rock and blues, to jazz and bossa.” (Website)
Pilgrim Song is: Chris Heisner, Nathan Scherrer, Alex Heater, Jeremy Oliveria, Justin Kabot, Sean Snyder, and Whitney Brown.