Songs for the Weary Soul

Hey friends,For those of you that have been or are in hard seasons...this is for you. For those that love some good music to jam out to, this is for you. A friend told me recently that worship can be the the tool that ushers us into the presence of the Lord; that music can speak the things we just don't can’t, in the midst of grief, hardship, pain and chaos. I find that to be true for me one million percent. Worship has the words that I rarely do when I walk through hard seasons. Often times, worship songs become my prayers and resonate so deeply within. I just wanted to share some of my favorite tunes currently and I hope that it might encourage you exactly where you are.

Even When It Hurts- Hillsong (SERIOUSLY MY EVERYDAY, ALL THE TIME LISTEN currently. Take a won't regret it)
We dance- Stephanie Frizzel
Take courage-
Find you here- Ellie Holcomb
All I need- Dara Maclean
You carried me- Will Reagan
Come to me-David Baloche
Worthy of Your Name- Passion

So much love,Allie


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