Meet Rowan, Our Newest Addition {Newborn Life}

It's finally time to introduce our little man: Rowan! We are thrilled and thankful to announce his joyous arrival, and are unbelievably grateful for a healthy baby and delivery. Kelly and I are learning to navigate parenting as best we know how, functioning on very little sleep and a bit of a newborn, happy haze. I decided to set up a simple photoshoot of our little nugget to remember how tiny he is. The time is already going fast, and someday, we will be sleeping through the night again and in our new normal, but this is the present. And, its pretty beautiful in spite of little sleep and lots of cold meals and short showers. We are so grateful God has chosen us to be his parents.We are also learning the deep, sweet blessing of community. We have been enveloped by friends, family, and loved ones who have come by to leave treats, goodies, flowers, and meals for us, as well as cover us in prayer. I cannot express our gratitude enough for so many people who have supported and loved us, and we look forward to introducing our precious son to you in person!  


Allison+Collin | New Arrival Announcement!


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